Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Chapter 5: Assumption

Chapter 5 Assumption

Assumption is a pre-existing belief. Part of your belief system. Something you don't question. Your mind takes for granted that your assumption is true.

For Example
1)It would be wise to assume that the lady walking the streets of the Tenderloin at night should be unsafe.

2)If I walk toward you with my hand out and smiling, you'll probably infer that I intend to shake your hand.

Assumptions may also sprout from experiences such as, every time I walk passed by my neighbors' house their dog barks, so from then on I know when I go passed their front yard I am going to hear a barking dog.
Assumption and Inference are deeply intertwined: our assumptions come from our belief and our inference comes from our assumptions. This is the basics of how human nature comes up with logical reasoning.

Your assumption of my intent is based on similar experiences from your past.

Those past events formed your belief about such situations.

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